

Hello there! I’m Muzzammil Hussain, and I wear many hats in the tech world. From being a seasoned full-stack developer and a solutions architect to providing valuable consultancy services, I’m here to share a bit of my journey with you.

Over the past 14 years, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with numerous North American startups and companies spanning various domains such as Artificial intelligence, Education, E-commerce, Fintech and Transportation. My role went beyond just coding; I actively contributed to shaping their strategies, fostering growth, and making pivotal decisions. Currently, I work as a freelance consultant for various companies, where I continuously explore new opportunities and broaden my expertise.

My professional experience encompasses designing and developing what I refer to as “technically sophisticated” cloud applications. I am proficient in industry-standard languages such as Python, PHP, and JavaScript and have extensive experience in managing the full lifecycle of applications. I have built both monolithic and microservice architectures, depending on the specific needs of the business. My approach is straightforward: bring your product to market quickly, even if it’s not perfect, and refine it based on real-world insights and user feedback.

What sets me apart is my diverse skill set that spans across various domains, such as:

Full-stack DevelopmentProduct Development
Process ImprovementsRelationship Management
Solutions ArchitectureChange Lifecycles

If you’re interested in the projects I’ve worked on or if my expertise aligns with your needs, please feel free to contact me via WhatsApp, or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Thank you for taking the time to learn a bit about me. I plan to keep this space updated with more exciting insights and experiences, so stay tuned. Wishing you all the best, and may you stay blessed and safe on your journey!